Business Trip to Aceh: 15-21 September 2019

In 15-21 September 2019, we had a business trip to Aceh and Medan in the name of the JICA grass-roots Project for Sixth Industrialization (cultivation, processing and promotion) of Citrus Resources in Central Aceh District Utilizing Knowledge of Ochi Town. We mainly stay in Takengon, capital city of Central Aceh District.

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Perjalanan Dinas ke Aceh (13-19 Jan 2019)

Pada tanggal 13-19 Januari 2019, saya mengunjungi Medan, Takengon, dan Banda Aceh untuk membantu pertemuan pemulaian Proyek Industrialisasi Ke-enam (Budidaya, Pengolahan dan Promosi) Sumber Daya Jeruk di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah dengan Memanfaatkan Pengetahuan Kota Ochi.

Pertemuan pemulaian atau kick-off meeting diadakan pada tanggal 16 Januari di Takengon, dan bertemu tiga kandidat peserta pelatihan yang akan ikut serta program pelatihan di Kota Ochi selama tiga tahun.

Saya berharap mereka akan menjadi pemimpin bisnis untuk mengembangkan industri sumber daya jeruk dengan meningkatkan sumber daya manusia petani-petani jeruk di Aceh dalam waktu dekat.

Business Trip to Aceh (13-19 Jan 2019)

In 13-19 January 2019, I visited Medan, Takengon, and Banda Aceh to support the kick-off meeting of the Project for Sixth Industrialization (Cultivation, Processing and Promotion) of Citrus Resources in Central Aceh District Utilizing Knowledge of Ochi Town.
The kick-off meeting, directly chaired by Bupati (District Head),  was held in 16 January in Takengon, and met three trainee candidates who will participate the training program in Ochi Town for three years.

I hope they will be business leaders to develop citrus resource industry with improving human resource of citrus farmers in Aceh in the near future.