Lecture and Others in Jakarta (3 Dec 2014)

In Japanese, December is called “Shiwasu”, which means that teacher is very busy because he/she must always run. As it means or not, I will do business trip almost every week to Jakarta in this December 2014. 2-4 December, 9-10 December, 15-16 December, and 21-22 December. Maybe before leave to Tokyo in 27 December, I will be in Jakarta.

In the first business trip in 3 December, I gave a lecture about Indonesian economy to Japanese guests from Tokyo, based on request from JAC Indonesia. They are young and want to make a business of financial service in Indonesia.


Take a picture after my lecture

After that, I met a consultant of energy business venture to discuss about new technology application to Indonesia. It is very fruitful and I got much implication on direction of Indonesia-Japan cooperation to create new innovation together. Fortunately, we could meet Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Subiyanto, Vice Chairman of the Indonesian Science Academy (LIPI), to continue our interesting discussion with having dinner together.

After interesting dinner, I went to a hotel located in North Jakarta with Prof. Kozano from Aichi Prefectural University to meet our students of Gadjah Mada University (participants of Japan on Track Program) who have started their intern activities in Japanese companies. They were fine and very positive to participate the intern program. I hope they will get much meaningful experience to prepare their working life in the near future.

With JoT participated intern students of UGM

With JoT participated intern students of UGM


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