SME Workshop in Jakarta (14 January 2015)

Last week, we conducted a Workshop on SME policies in Indonesia at Gran Melia Jakarta in 14 January 2015. This workshop was held to feedback the results of our survey (JERI team) on 17 local SMEs on automotive parts supplier in October-November 2014, and to discuss about policy implication for SME development in Indonesia.

This Workshop was attended by about 40 participants including Ms. Euis, Director General of Small & Medium Industry, Ministry of Industry, Mr. Meliadi Sembiring, the 7th Deputy Minister of Cooperatives and SME, other two Deputy Ministers of Cooperatives and SME, a member of KIKO (Cooperatives of Automotive Parts Industry), Yayasan Darma Bakti Astra, KADIN Indonesia, APINDO, Bank Indonesia, Jakarta Japan Club (JJC), JICA, and JETRO.


Based on our survey, we tried to focus on two main issues on SME development challenge. Those are marketing from SME to big companies, and needs of financial support by the government. We threw our two points to participants for further discussion and we could get much new information and many kinds of opinion about SME development in Indonesia in the near future.

We hope this Workshop will be useful for participants and especially government officials to deepen ideas for SME development policy in Indonesia.



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