Pendirian Matsui Glocal LLC

Hari ini (tanggal 11 April 2017), saya melakukan permohonan registrasi pendirian badan hukum kepada Kantor Hukum Daerah Fukushima, Fukushima, Jepang. Dengan ini, hari ini menjadi hari pendirian Matsui Glocal LLC secara resmi.

Selama ini, saya bergerak atas nama ‘Matsui Glocal’ namun ini hanya nama panggiran kegiatan saya dan status saya sebenarnya freelance. Namun sesudah hari ini, Matsui Glocal menjadi badan hukum sebagai Matsui Glocal LLC (Limited Liability Company). Matsui Glocal LLC tidak memiliki karyawan kecuali saya.

Menurut Kantor Hukum Daerah Fukushima, prosedur registrasi tersebut akan selesai pada tanggal 20 April 2017. Maka, aktivitas riil akan mulai sejak itu. Saya akan mempersiapkan berbagai hal untuk aktivitas yang akan datang.

Tujuan di dalam Anggaran Dasar Matsui Glocal LLC adalah:

  1. Riset, nasihat dan consulting tentang pengembangan daerah/lokal
  2. Riset, nasihat dan consulting tentang pengembangan bisnis
  3. Riset, nasihat dan consulting tentang kerjasama internasional
  4. Interaksi dan kolaborasi terkait pengembangan daerah/lokal, pengembangan bisnis dan kerjasama internasional
  5. Riset, analisa, pengolahan informasi dan promosi tentang Indonesia
  6. Pengelolaan, kuliah dan fasilitasi seminar, loka karya, pelatihan dan rapat

Misi saya adalah “Menjadi katalisator yang menciptakan sesuatu yang baru dan baik dengan menyambung antara lokal dan lokal”. Maka, saya merasa kegiatan saya harus berakal di lokal. Dengan demikian, saya mendirikan perusahaan saya Matsui Glocal LLC di Fukushima, kota yang saya lahir. Wacana ini lama tersimpang sejak dulu.

Fukushima menjadi basis utama kegiatan saya. Tokyo, Makassar, Jakarta dan tempat-tempat lain di dunia sebagai basis yang lain. Saya akan beraktivitas seperti selama ini dan mau bekerja kegiatan yang saya diperlukan di tempat yang saya dibutuhkan.

Masing-masing lokal termasuk Fukushima berupaya meningkatkan kemampuannya, saling menghormatinya, saling belajar/mengajarnya, dan melakukan aktivitasnya. Jika ini terwujud, masa depan kita pasti akan lebih hangat, lebih senang, dan lebih tertarik.

Saya mulai dari Fukushima. Dengan Matsui Glocal LLC ini, saya ingin membuat teman-teman sepaham dan mulai perjalanan untuk menciptakan masa depan bersama-sama.


Establishment of Matsui Glocal LLC

Today (April 11, 2017), I applied for corporate registration of Matsui Glocal LLC to Fukushima District Legal Affairs Bureau. Then, today became the establishment day of Matsui Glocal LLC.

I have used the name “Matsui Glocal” until now, but the status has been a freelancer. Now, I has started my activities in the name of corporation as LLC (Limited Liability Company), even though there is no employee and this is one-man company.

Because the registration procedure will be completed in April 20, 2017, my activities as LLC will start completely after that. Now I will make preparation to my LLC activities.

The objectives of Matsui Glocal LLC in Articles of Incorporation are as follows.

  1. Research, advising and consulting on local/community development
  2. Research, advising and consulting on business support
  3. Research, advising and consulting on international cooperation
  4. Interaction/collaboration support in local/community development, business support, and international cooperation
  5. Research, analyzing and information provision on Indonesian politics, economies, and social/cultural affairs
  6. Making lecture, facilitation and coordination in seminar, workshop, training and meeting

Because my mission is “to be catalyst to create something new and good with connecting local to local”, I must make my root in local. So, I established Matsui Glocal LLC in my home town, Fukushima city in Japan. I had planned this since before.

From Fukushima as my main base, and Tokyo, Makassar, Jakarta and others as my sub bases, I want to do activities what is required to me at places where I am needed in Japan, Indonesia, and other places in the world without any borders.

Locals including Fukushima try to their own capacities. They respect, learn and act each other beyond borders of countries, religions, and races. If those are realized, the future would be more warm, more fun, and more interesting, I think.

I start this from Fukushima. Through Matsui Glocal LLC, I start my journey to make such my colleague in the world and make such future together.


Visit Umaji Village

Visit Umaji Village in Kochi Prefecture. Umaji is Uma (horse) plus ji (road). It means we must reach Umaji by horse. But it is old story. Now we can enjoy smooth car drive to Umaji even though the road is narrow and winding.

Umaji, whose population is 930 persons,  is now famous as success case of local revitalization by processing of yuzu, very good smelling citrus. JA Umaji has 5 factories to process many kinds of yuzu goods, as yuzu drink, yuzu ponzu source, yuzu jam, yuzu chili, yuzu pepper, yuzu liqueur, yuzu cosmetics, yuzu ‘aromatics, and so on. Yuzu seed becomes good material for cosmetics.


Amazing, isn’t it? Only 930-populated tiny village in mountainous area has 5 factories. Most of products are sold through mail order or internet to all areas in Japan, with increasing the number of fans of Umaji. Umaji offers the status of special villager to those fans.

This has been promoted by JA Umaji. JA Umaji has its very unique and impressive business model to revive tiny mountainous village, through the integration of production of yuzu, processing, and marketing.

However, as other villages in Japan, Umaji also faces to depopulation and aging. How is the way to satisfy with increasing market demand for yuzu products under decreasing of labor? Mechanization is one of the answer with 5 factories. But, is it sustainable in the future? Is it overcapacity or not?

The challenge of Umaji will be severer.


Business Trip to Kochi & Fukushima (8-13 Sep. 2016)

In the name of “JICA Program on Data Collection Survey on Public-Private-Partnership for Activating Agricultural Promotion in Indonesia”, I will visit Kochi and Fukushima with local government officials from Indonesia in 8-13 September, 2016.

This JICA Program studies on the possibility to create partnership and cooperation in agriculture and/or livestock sector between local government in Indonesia and Japan, and between government and private sector. The key is how to realize win-win partnership between them.

So, even in the name of JICA, this is not pure assistance or aid program from Japan to Indonesia.

I will visit Kochi in 8-10 September and Fukushima in 11-13 September.


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