2016 New Year Greeting from Tokyo

Japanese Version

A Happy New Year 2016 from Tokyo !

Love and Peace for all people in the world !

In April, 2015, my work base was moved from Indonesia to Japan. Now I often go and back between Japan and Indonesia as an independent consultant and facilitator. Recently, not only Japanese side but Indonesian side has asked me to be speaker in a seminar or to consult about local business development.

In 2016, I will set up my main work base in Fukushima-city, my hometown, and sub base in Tokyo. This is for my preparation to start my role as a catalyst to connect local-to-local and local-to-global without any border of nation, generation, race, ethnicity and so on.

At first, I will try to approach from Fukushima to locals in Japan and locals in the world, not only to extend real information about Fukushima but also to share challenges and new ideas to tackle serious global issues from viewpoints of locals in the world.

Of course, I will continue to work as a specialist of Indonesian affairs, to increase  and strengthen the mutual trust relationship between Japan and Indonesia. Yes, trust relationship is not limited to Japan and Indonesia, but all of the world. So, I also want to visit local communities in many countries to spread our activities. Please invite me.

With paying attention to our local communities, I want to be professional catalyst to connect people to people, local to local, and local to global with creating new hope and sharing our better future.

I believe many friends take actions in the same direction to realize them, starting little things from our daily life. Please share our hope and let’s support together.

2015-12-01 15.35.48



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