



Pertemuan dengan Pengurus IKAPEKSI (12 Maret 2019)

Setelah selesai rapat di Cirebon, saya bertemu beberapa anggota pengurus IKAPEKSI di Bekasi pada tanggal 12 Maret 2019. IKAPEKSI adalah Ikatan Alumni Pengusaha Kenshusei Indonesia.

Saya adalah penasihat IKAPEKSI sejak tahun 2014.

Kami membahas tentang situasi organisasi saat ini dan status domisili baru Jepang “tokutei ginou (keterampilan spesifik)”. Mereka sangat serius mendukung mantan kenshusei untuk membuat kontribusi pada pembangunan lokal di Indonesia.

Meeting with IKAPEKSI Members (12 March 2019)

After finished meeting in Cirebon, I met some IKAPEKSI members in Bekasi in 12 March 2019. IKAPEKSI is an alumni organization of ex-trainees in Japan.

I am an advisor for IKAPEKSI since 2014.

We discussed about current situation of the organization and new resident status of Japan “Tokutei Ginou (specific skills)”. They were very serious to support ex-trainees to make contribution to local development in Indonesia.







Meeting with IKAPEKSI South Sulawesi

After arriving at Makassar at noon in January 13, I met members of IKAPEKSI South Sulawesi. IKAPEKSI is Ikatan Pengusaha Kenshusei Indonesia, Indonesian ex-Japan-Trainee Businessmen’s League.

They were ex-Trainee in Japan for three years. Mainly worked in small and medium enterprises in Japan to officially learn know-how and technique/technology to be applied in Indonesia in the future. However, some Japanese companies regarded them as cheap labors because of serious shortage of labors in industrial sector.

Officially, government of Japan does not permit immigrant labors in Japan but in fact those trainee are used to fill the labor shortage.

IKAPEKSI was established spontaneously by ex-trainee themselves without any support of government of Japan and Indonesia. Most of members of IKAPEKSI manage their own companies, work in companies, and start their own small business. The ex-training program has contribute to create new entrepreneurs and skilled labors in Indonesia.

I have been an advisor to IKAPEKSI since 2015. I am happy to meet the South Sulawesi part members this time and want to support them.

Three Speeches Last Week in Jakarta

Last week, I stayed in Jakarta for one week. I had three opportunities to make my speech. Two were for Indonesian in Bahasa Indonesia and one was for Japanese in Japanese.

In March 2, I was invited by Jakarta Branch of Indonesian Handicraft Exporters and Producers Association (ASEPHI) as a speaker to talk about SME’s export promotion and potentiality of market in Japan.

I explained the change of Japanese market from Yen appreciation to the depreciation that did not so good for export from Indonesia to Japan. However, if the target was clear as goods for the aged, women, and Indonesian original ones. I recommended combination strategy of OEM products from Japanese buyers and Indonesian original ones. To realize this, I suggested the good collaboration between Indonesian side and Japanese side.

In March 4, I talked about current situation of the Jokowi administration for Japanese businessmen in the Indonesia Watch Seminar by JAC Recruitment Indonesia. This was in Japanese and I gave some positive and negative signals of Indonesia.

In March 7, I was invited to do keynote speech by Ikatan Pengusaha Kenshusei Indonesia (IKAPEKSI) or Association of Indonesian Businessmen who were trained in Japan. They were sent to Japan via IMM Japan and became businessmen after coming back from Japan to Indonesia.

2015-03-07 08.03.28

IKAPEKSI was established by their own initiatives without any support from Japanese side. Maybe this is the first organization set up by alumni of IMM Japan trainee in the world. They do not want to get financial support from the government of Japan and of Indonesia, but want to be good business partner to Japanese side.

Under cooperation with Ministry of Labor Force, Indonesia, only no-problem alumni of IMM Japan can be the member. Members of IKAPEKSI were recognized as good graduates from training in Japan and the Government of Indonesia wants to improve the quality of overseas trainee by using the existence of IKAPEKSI.

I became the advisor of IKAPEKSI based on their request. I feel it is very honorable for me as a Japanese because it is the sign of their trust to me. The situation of Kenshusei in Japan will be more complex and has not only positive image but also negative one. I hope ex-Kenshusei in IKAPEKSI will make good reputation of Kenshusei with many success stories to promote more positive image, and will make a role to deepen Indoensia-Japan relationship in all regions in Indonesia (because the member of IKAPEKSI scattered in almost all provinces and regencies/cities) through their activities.





彼らは、アイムジャパンの技能実習生派遣事業で日本に行った経験を持つ方々で、インドネシア研修生事業家協会(Ikatan Pengusaha Kenshusei Indonesia: IKAPEKSI)の幹部たちだった。IKAPEKSIは、アイムジャパン事業で日本へ行き、帰国した後に、事業を行っている元研修生の集まりで、全元研修生4万5,000人のうち、約6,000人がIKAPEKSIの会員、ということであった。





