Training for Government Officials of Aceh Tengah in Kochi & Tokyo

We supported the short-term training for government officials of Aceh Tengah in Japan, 5-9 November 2019. This is a part of JICA Grass-root Cooperation Project on orange resource development between Ochi town in Kochi prefecture and Aceh Tengah district.

They learned support policies by local government to develop the 6th industrialization (integration of cultivation-processing-marketing) by private sector this time. Two trainees sent from Aceh Tengah in Ochi town taught how to pick orange to those government officials. Local TV shot the scene.

We hope this short-term training make some contribution to develop the integration of cultivation-processing-marketing of orange resource in Aceh Tengah.

Kunjungan Pemkot Batu ke Jepang (29 Okt s/d 2 Nov)

Pada tanggal 29 Oktober – 2 November 2018, rombongan Pemkot Batu dari provinsi Jatim, yang dipimpin oleh Walikota Batu, mengunjungi Jepang.

Rombongan Pemkot Batu mengunjungi kota Fukushima dan Tokyo, di mana mereka mengunjungi perkebunan apel, fasilitas sortir buah-buahan, pabrik pengolahan sayur-mayur, pasar tani (jual-beli langsung oleh petani), pasar glosir induk sayur-mayur, dan seterusnya, dan dapat memehami bagaimana produksi pertanian, pengolahan dan pemasaran terintegrasi. Walikota Batu telah bertemu Walikota Fukushima.

Rombongan pemkot Bau telah dapat berbagai saran tentang bagaimana untuk mengembangkan kerjasama pertanian antara kota Batu dan kota Fukushima di masa depan, dan mereka aman dan kembali ke Indonesia.


Batu City Mission Visit to Japan (29 Oct – 2 Nov)

In October 29 – November 2, 2018, Batu City Government Mission visited Japan, chaired by the mayor, from Batu city, East Java, Indonesia.

The mission mainly visited Fukushima city and Tokyo, where they visit apple plantation, the fruit sorting plant, agricultural product processing factory, farmer’s market, and vegetable wholesale central market, and so on, and could learn how agricultural production, processing and distribution were integrated. Mayor of Batu city made a courtesy visit to meet mayor of Fukushima city.

The mission have been able to get various suggestions on how to proceed the agricultural cooperation between Batu city and Fukushima city in the future, and they are safe and returned to Indonesia.



Attend the Opening Party of APIJ in Tokyo (4 April 2018)

Yesterday (4 April 2018), I attended the opening ceremony of Indonesian Businessmen Association in Japan (Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia di Jepang [APIJ]) in official residence of Indonesian ambassador, Meguro, Tokyo.

I hope APIJ play roles to boost business communication between Indonesia and Japan.

Rencana Share Office kami di Tokyo

Kami sekarang berencana akan membuka share office kecil dengan co-working space di Tokyo, sekitar bulan September atau Oktober 2018.

Rencana kami mencakup 3-4 ruang kantor sewa yang kecil dan 10-15 anggota berstatus free desk. Lokasinya 8 menit jalan kaki dari stasiun JR Otsuka.

Individu, perusahaan, kelompok, atau komunitas disambut. Share office kami akan dikelola bersama oleh penggunanya.

Jika anda tertarik, silakan hubungi saya ( melalui email.


Our Share Office Plan in Tokyo

We now plans to open a small share office with co-working space in Tokyo, around in next September or October 2018.

Our plan includes 3-4 small rental office spaces and 10-15 free desk members. 8 minutes walk from JR Otsuka station.

Individuals, companies, groups, communities are welcomed. Our share office will be managed together by users.

If you are interested, please contact me ( by email.


Diskusi tentang Kerjasama antara Sungai Ciliwung dan Tama River

Pada tanggal 31 Agustus 2017, saya ikut diskusi tentang kegiatan Jakarta Osoji Club dan Japan Osoji Club mengenai kerjasama antara Sungai Ciliwung dan Tama River bersama anggota NPO Tamagawa Ecomuseum di Noborito, Kawasaki.

Rencananya, akan mengadakan even pembersihan secara kebersamaan, masing-masing baik di Ciliwung maupun di Tama river, pada tanggal 11 November 2017 untuk mengingatkan Hari Ciliwung.

Japan Osoji Club dan NPO Tamagawa Ecomuseum sangat mengharapkan partisipasi masyarakat Indonesia yang berada di sekitar Tokyo untuk mengikuti acara mereka, terutama acara tanggal 11 November 2017 nanti di Kawasaki.

Semoga kerjasama antara pihak Jakarta dan pihak Japan berkembang terus dan membuahkan suatu kegiatan yang berubah perilaku masyarakat baik Indonesia maupun Jepang.


After Back to Japan in April 7

My task as JETRO consultant in Surabaya, Indonesia, had finished in March 31, and I came back to Japan in April 7. Now I stay in Tokyo with my family.

I am now preparing my next activity stage. I will set up my tiny independent consulting company during these two months in Japan. Then, based on this company, I will restart my activities to move among Japan, Indonesia and other countries.

To do so, I have made several my activity bases. Main base is in Japan, Fukushima or Tokyo. Sub bases are Tokyo or Fukushima, Jakarta, Surabaya, and maybe Makassar.

The base in Jakarta and Surabaya had been prepared before back to Japan this time. Yesterday (April 13), I prepared my small work place in a rental office, 10 minutes walk from my home in Tokyo. I will set up my another work place in Fukushima.

Fortunately, the set up cost may be not so high. So, I will be able to come to Tokyo, Fukushima, Jakarta, and Surabaya (and maybe Makassar) in any time. My mobile bases are almost established.

In my plan, I will stay in Indonesia next June 2015, starting in Makassar the first week of June. Please keep in touch.